Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Farmers Market Update

The Chandler St. farmer's market in Worcester appears to be in full swing, with a handful of new vendors this morning. In addition to three stands selling the usual veggies (one had corn--already?! color me suspicious as to its provenance), there was a new Hmong farm , a bread baker (looked good, but at $6.50 a loaf I'd just as soon bake my own), another baker, and a woman selling jewelry. I got bok choy, lettuce, a very ripe tomato, a cucumber, and some potatoes. Not sure yet what I'm going to do with all of them. D is having some work done on his gums today, so he might not be able to eat salads for a bit.

I meant to take a picture but forgot. I'm taking a few days off next week so should not be in such a hurry on our next visit, maybe I'll remember to do it then.

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