Monday, April 15, 2013

Too Busy Living

I keep meaning to make this entry part of my weekend, but the days are so busy it seems I don't generally have time. Not that we actually do anything -- cleaning and errands seem to eat up as much time as I'm able to give them. Now that the weather is better, the kids are keen to go outside. So am I, to be honest. Still, even though I haven't had time to blog any recipes or anything lately, I can at least keep track of the goals and so forth.
  • Got two responses to the six query letters I sent; one request for a partial, one form rejection. It typically takes at least a couple of weeks, so I am going to try to hold out for the rest of the week before I send another batch out. In the meantime, I am paddling about in the shallows of the book I started last year, getting my brain back into that space. 
  • Continuing the year's comic book theme, started reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. I'm having a hard time getting into it. 
  • Ran four miles (slowly) this morning, and this weekend I'm supposed to check out a local yoga class. I haven't been to one in ages. I've cut back on bagels. If the scale doesn't budge in another week, I'll have to find something else to cut back on. 
I'm thinking hard about taking a half day at the end of the month to address a bunch of little things that need doing. Haircuts and financial planning are tough to slot into an evening or a Saturday.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Getting Back on the Horse

Kind of a tired metaphor, but no worse for being a bit dusty. And I have personally fallen off a horse, unlike many other things one might fall off of and substitute into the phrase. Among other changes I'm trying to make in my life, I thought perhaps I should try to get back to blogging.

I was going to try to get back into doing the Baking with Julia project this month, but then I misread the date for the first April recipe and didn't make time for bread on the weekend I did have. The next recipe is madeleines; I don't have a pan and have never had the slightest urge to make those, so maybe I'll just go back and make one of the many things I've missed.

What I have done is send out three query letters. It's the strangest sensation, looking over my spreadsheet of agents, catching up with the names I agonized over so extensively last time around. A couple of them have moved on, have changed agencies or moved web sites. I feel... not exactly blase, but unconcerned about the effort. I'm doing what I can do to make this happen. I'll send out a few more later this week, and get back to researching the new book. There's no reason I shouldn't have a decent draft of this thing by the end of the year.

Probably related to that, my fandom activities have slacked off. I'm still reviewing comics, and I survey new fan-fic daily as part of my little side project, but I haven't written any in months now, and very little of what I see interests me enough to read it. We'll see if Iron Man 3 rekindles my enthusiasm.

Monday, April 1, 2013

March Status Report

Things continue to meander along without much sense of urgency.
  • Gym attendance has been good. Back up to the point where I can do three miles, though not particularly fast. Still not losing any weight.
  • Finished JS&MrN, read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Howl's Moving Castle, and a boatload of Marvel comics from 1966 (the writing was mostly crap, though the art was better).
  • In anticipation of the new Iron Man movie, I've developed a side hobby of tracking fan-fiction statistics.
  • Wrote a new query letter and started fixing up the synopsis.
  • Visited some blogs and sites I used to read before the Great Funk of 2012 hit--I used to read a couple dozen food and writing blogs, and at some point I just stopped.
Overall, I'd say that things are moving in the right direction, slowly.

Main goal for April: Be in position to start sending out query letters.